Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible and Exam (EX294) (RH295) – Zarys informacji

Szczegółowy program szkolenia

Introduce Ansible

Describe the fundamental concepts of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and how it is used, and install Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Implement an Ansible playbook

Create an inventory of managed hosts, write a simple Ansible playbook, and run the playbook to automate tasks on those hosts.

Manage variables and facts

Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to reference information about managed hosts.

Implement task control

Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible Playbooks.

Deploy files to managed hosts

Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible playbooks.

Managing complex plays and playbooks

Write playbooks for larger, more complex plays and playbooks.

Simplify playbooks with roles

Use Ansible roles to develop playbooks more quickly and to reuse Ansible code.

Troubleshoot Ansible

Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts.

Automate Linux administration tasks

Automate common Linux system administration tasks with Ansible.