Hector Fast Lane Poland
Joanna Łuksza, Chairman of the Board Poland/CEE
Joanna Skrycka-Łuksza posiada ponad 35-letnie doświadczenie w branży IT. Karierę zawodową rozpoczęła w Instytucie Badawczym IMM w Warszawie, koncentrując się głównie na rozwoju wczesnych systemów operacyjnych dla komputerów PC. Joanna posiada tytuł magistra uzyskany na Wydziale Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Warszawskiej. Współtworzyła Hector SA, jedną z pierwszych prywatnych firm informatycznych w Polsce, która wprowadziła na polski rynek komputery PC pierwszej generacji, ściśle współpracując z firmami Digital Equipment, HP i IBM. Joanna od ponad 30 lat zarządza również Centrum Szkoleniowym Hector Centrum Szkoleniowe Hector(CSH) — informatyczną firmą szkoleniową, która była największym CLP na polskim rynku. CSH była rozpoznawalną, profesjonalną firmą o długiej tradycji i doskonałej jakości. W 2017 roku dołączyła do Fast Lane Poland jako Dyrektor Zarządzający. 1 lutego 2021 roku doszło do fuzji obu firm CSH i Fast Lane Poland i powstania Hector Fast Lane Poland. Obecnie Joanna jest Dyrektorem Zarządzającym Hector Fast Lane Poland.
Mariola Gotfryd, CEO Poland/CEE
Mariola przez całe swoje życie zawodowe związana była ze sprzedażą i branżą IT. Z branżą IT związana od 1997 roku. Posiada ponad 15-letnie doświadczenie w branży szkoleniowej IT, pracując w sprzedaży i rozwoju biznesu dla Centrum Szkoleniowego Hector Centrum Szkoleniowe Hector(CSH), które było największym Cisco Learning Partner w Polsce. W 2017 roku dołączyła do grupy Fast Lane, jako Dyrektor Sprzedaży Fast Lane Polska. 1 lutego 2021 CSH i Fast Lane Poland zostały połączone, a nowa nazwa firmy to Hector Fast Lane Poland. Mariola kieruje zespołem sprzedaży w Polsce. Bardzo dobrze zna polski rynek i ma doświadczenie w pracy z klientami i partnerami. Jej doświadczenie i obecna pozycja daje jej możliwość rozwoju nowych biznesów i wdrażania nowych szkoleń IT w Polsce.
Fast Lane WORLDWIDE Management
Torsten Poels, CEO & Chairman of the Board
Torsten has been working in the IT industry in Europe since 1985. He started with technical training and consulting projects and founded his first company in 1990, specializing in high-end networking services. …Read moreSince then, he has gained comprehensive executive board and sales experience leading several Cisco Learning Partners and IT training companies. He has a proven track record of growing businesses quickly and profitably and building successful strategic partnerships. Torsten founded Fast Lane in 2003 in several countries and is responsible for Fast Lane's outstanding global growth. Torsten holds a degree in Computer Engineering from PTL Physikalische Technische Lehranstalt, University of Applied Sciences Wedel/Hamburg.
Jonas Westphalen, CFO
Jonas joined Fast Lane in July 2021 as the Global CFO to manage the global financial activities supporting the accelerated growth plans at the Fast Lane Group. Jonas has extensive experience in the financial sector in different roles and positions. …Read moreFor about seven years, Jonas worked at DMB, a private equity company in Germany where he represented investors and worked closely with management teams to drive profitable growth along a wide range of industries. Before that, Jonas worked for more than three years in the transaction department at EY, the auditing firm, where he advised companies on transactions and in transition/crisis-situations. Jonas holds a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of St. Andrews/Scotland and has completed his Bachelor Degree in General Business Administration at the University of Hamburg/Germany.
Chuck Terrien, President US & Canada
Chuck founded Fast Lane Americas in May of 2005. He was in the Cisco Training Business for over 24 years and was responsible for the general management of a large multi-national Cisco delivery business as well as a WW Cisco Training Business Development position.…Read more Prior to that he held various technical and managerial positions in the IBM Networking Hardware and Software Divisions. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business from Michigan State University and a Masters of Science in System Science from the State University of New York at Binghamton
Daniel Hedtmann, VP EMEA
Daniel has been in the Telecommunications and IT industry since 2005. He has worked as a Sales Consultant, Account Executive and Sales Director for major distributors and IT Service Providers with a focus on professional-, support/managed- and training services in the ICT industry.…Read more Daniel's commitment to quality and his experience in building successful strategic partnerships help to further grow Fast Lane's training and consulting business and to strengthen the global footprint as a leading training and professional services provider.
Michel Sabry, General Manager ITLS/Fast Lane Dubai UAE
Michel has worked in the IT industry for more than 10 years. He started his career in the financial services sector in Egypt in 1998. He held different sales, business development and management positions at international IT training companies like Arrow ECS and …Read moreGlobal Knowledge. In between he was Channel Manager and Business Development Manager at Cisco. Michel has a B.Sc. of Accounting degree from Alexandria University in Egypt.
Luis Campbell, VP Latin America
Luis has worked for Unisys Corporation most of his career in Executive Management positions, leading technical and consultant business groups and providing value add in complex technical Integration Projects in several Latin America countries. Also, he is an expert …Read morein business planning and organization, and a consultant expert in business process transformation in banks and business alignment. He also had direct sales roles coordinating sales groups of technological products across Latin America. Luis is a Computer Science engineer and has an MBA with a Marketing major and post-graduate degree in Tele-communications. He was appointed Information Services Director since 1999, Certified Principal since May 2000 and Certified Partner since 2003. In 2004 he was responsible for the consultant practice of Retail Banking for Latin America including Mexico and Brazil. He had the responsibility of over one hundred consultants and 23 managers, and had a total services quota over US$7.5M.
James Furneaux, VP APAC
James has been working in IT for 27+ years. He began running sales in 1998 for a high tech start up in APJC that was purchased by a large Networking vendor in 2000. At that company over his 7 years he served as Product Manager, Sales and Business Development in various technologies for the whole of APJC …Read morewith particular geographic focus on China, Japan, India and Australia. James started his own professional services company that worked with many of the leading IT vendors across the theatre. Since then he has served as the GM of APJC for a number of US and European based companies entering the APJC region. His last role before ITLS was GM, APJC for a high end Data Center Consultancy outfit.