Szczegółowy program szkolenia
Describe the OpenShift Installation Process
Describe and compare the Full Stack Automation and Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.
Install OpenShift in a Cloud Provider
Provision OpenShift clusters on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation installation method.
Install OpenShift on a Virtualized Environment
Provision OpenShift clusters on hypervisors, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation and the Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.
Plan to Install OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider
Configure the prerequisites for provisioning OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure.
Install OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider
Provision OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure.
Complete the Installation of OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider
CPerform essential tasks that are required before onboarding users and applications on a newly provisioned OpenShift cluster.