Spring Boot Fundamentals (SBF)


Course Overview

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of how to develop modern cloud-native microservices with Spring Boot.

Spring Boot is an open-source Java-based framework used to create microservices. You can get started with minimum configurations without the need for an entire Spring configuration setup. Spring Boot is designed to avoid complex XML configuration in Spring, to develop a production-ready Spring application in an easier way, to reduce the development time and run the application independently, to offer an easier way of getting started with the application.

Get Spring Boot: Spring Boot

Who should attend

Developers, software architects, and project managers who want to develop modern cloud-native microservices with Spring Boot. Also trainers and consultants.

  • Java developers
  • Software architects
  • Project managers
  • Java trainers
  • Technical consultants and sales engineers


  • Proficiency in using a Java IDE such as Eclipse, IntelliJ, or Netbeans
  • Fundamental knowledge in Java
  • Proficiency in object-oriented programming
  • Experience with Maven
  • Experience with Git

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Design of a cloud-native microservice architecture
  • Build microservices with Spring Boot
  • Build independent REST services
  • Persist data by using Java Persistence API and MicroStream
  • Secure your microservices
  • Test and check your microservices
  • Build and deploy your microservices

Course Content

  • Cloud-native microservice architecture
  • Spring-Boot introduction and overview
  • Getting started with Spring-Boot
  • Spring-Boot dependencies
  • Configuration
    • Auto-configuration
    • CommandLineRunner
  • Spring MVC architecture
    • Introduction to Spring MVC
    • Spring-Boot packaging (JAR/WAR)
  • REST with Spring MVC
    • Create a REST service with Spring MVC
    • HTTP response
  • Actuators, Metrics and Health indicators
  • Security
    • Authentication and authorization
    • Spring Security filter chain
  • Persistence with Spring Data
    • Persist data to a database by using Java Persistence API (JPA)
    • Persist data by using MicroStream native object graph persistence
  • Testing
    • Testing enhancements
    • Integration testing
    • Security testing
  • Build and deployment of microservices
  • Build native executables by using GraalVM
  • Exercises with coding
  • Answering your individual questions

Prices & Delivery methods

Online training
Modality: L

Duration 2 days

  • Poland: 1,690.— €
Classroom training
Modality: C

Duration 2 days

  • on request

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.