Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform (DEGCP)


Prices & Delivery methods

Online training
Modality: L

Duration 4 days

  • Poland: 7,500.— PLN



Time zone: Central European Time (CET)   ±1 hour

Online training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Online training Time zone: Central European Time (CET)

7 hours difference

Online training Time zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Online training Time zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Online training Time zone: Central Daylight Time (CDT)
Online training Time zone: Central Daylight Time (CDT)
Instructor-led Online Training:   This is an Instructor-Led Online course
This is a FLEX course, which is delivered both virtually and in the classroom.



Hamburg This is a FLEX course.   Time zone: Central European Time (CET) Enroll:
for online training
for classroom training
Berlin This is a FLEX course.   Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Enroll:
for online training
for classroom training
Frankfurt This is a FLEX course.   Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Enroll:
for online training
for classroom training
Hamburg This is a FLEX course.   Time zone: Central European Time (CET) Enroll:
for online training
for classroom training
This is a FLEX course, which is delivered both virtually and in the classroom.